Evidence Based Approach
One-day Workshop
This workshop provides those responsible for the health and safety of their workforce with a comprehensive system that helps to prevent the interaction between the skin and the working environment causing damage to health.
You will find this course advantageous in understanding the factors that are not normally covered in most health and safety training, yet will alert you to issues that can easily result in an invalid risk assessment and put workers' health at risk. Equip yourself with the understanding of the aspects of risk assessment for skin exposure to chemicals that require specialised techniques, where a 'conventional' approach to chemicals and risk assessment may not be adequate.
This course will concentrate on what is special about skin exposure risk assessment. The aim is to provide participants with practical tools that they can take back to use in their workplace to produce risk assessments that reflect the real risks.
Workshop Content
- Essential information on how our skin interacts with the working environment and the potential consequences (contact dermatitis, urticaria, systemic toxic and respiratory effects) as a result of skin exposure to chemicals.
- Why we should not consider skin exposure, ingestion and inhalation as separate topics and how a combination of routes can affect all chemicals exposure risk assessments (not just for skin).
- Why we need to identify the real hazard that arises due to changes in chemicals that occur when a task is carried out and why this is a fundamental requirement for a valid risk assessment. This matches the guidance in the current Approved Code of Practice for COSHH.
- How to recognise when skin exposure is occurring - including airborne and indirect exposure - and understanding the hazard to health that this represents.
- A structured approach to skin exposure risk assessment developed by a team with more than 50 years' experience in this particular specialised aspect of health and safety.
- Practical tools and methods that, combined with the knowledge gained and documentation provided, will assist participants to carry out effective, valid skin exposure risk assessments.
How will I benefit?
- The course will provide you with essential knowledge about how the skin interacts with the immediate environment and the consequences.
- You will understand the limitations of the safety data sheet and how to identify the real hazard that is present when a task is carried out.
- Why the interaction between the three main routes of exposure interact and why this needs to be considered when conducting a risk assessment for chemical exposure (not just for skin exposure).
- We will show you a structured approach to skin exposure risk assessment that reflects the complexities of how our skin interacts with the working environment. This will include an introduction to ERASE, the unique EnviroDerm Services procedure creating a simple but effective approach that allows non-health and safety trained managers and supervisors to create effective skin risk assessments.
For further details on how to book this course please contact us

Get in touch with Enviroderm
EnviroDerm Services is a Specialist Consultancy and Skin Measuring Equipment Business .
UK +44 (0)1386 831777
Ireland +353 1 568 6737